How to Create Buzz Around Your Book

How to Create Buzz Around Your Book

One of the odd paradoxes of authorship is the fact that we work alone, but our business is entirely dependent on cooperation and word of mouth.

Lots of people want to help you, most likely more than you realize. Even before your book releases, family members, friends, coworkers, and members of professional groups may come to you and ask what they can do to help you get the word out. Let them!

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BookBrush Review: Using the Custom Creator Tool

BookBrush Review: Using the Custom Creator Tool


How do you share news about your books with your readers? If you’re like other authors, you probably use graphics to catch their attention. With BookBrush, you can cut down the amount of time it takes to make punchy advertisements for your books.

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Growing a Writing Career by Skipping Shortcuts

Growing a Writing Career by Skipping Shortcuts

Raise your hand if you’ve ever wondered if there’s a secret code, E-Z solution, or quick fix for the challenges you face as a professional writer. Yeah, ditto. Since we are each the protagonist of our own story, we assume that rules and work and steps are for all the “other” less-fortunate suckers playing secondary roles as we ascend swiftly to stardom.

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How to Write the Perfect Author Bio

How to Write the Perfect Author Bio

You know (or you should know) who you are as an author. But is your author persona successfully coming across? Your readers want to learn about you. They need to understand why you’re interesting, unique, or qualified—why your books will be worth their time.

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7 Key Items to Bring to an Authors' Conference

7 Key Items to Bring to an Authors' Conference

Hooray! You are going to a writer’s conference! Attending a writer’s conference can be very rewarding for your writing career, but do you now wonder what you need to bring? Being fully prepared is crucial. The items you should bring to a writer’s conference are a mix of mental and physical objects, from a an enthusiastic spirit to promotional material to share with agents, publishers, and fellow authors.

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Hey, author!